The Witching-Other
The Witching-Other
Explorations and Meditations on the Existential Witch
By Peter Hamilton-Giles
Standard Edition: 160 pages, Evergreen colorset dust jacket, red and gold foil block to front case, spine and back, blind embossed insignia on front cloth case, head and tail bands, Napura endpapers bordering 100 gram munken cream paper, ribbon. Ltd to 891 copies.
The Witching-Other: Explorations and Meditations on the Existential Witch by Peter Hamilton-Giles, instigator and co-founder of the Dragon's Column being the body of initiates that went on to contribute material that would eventually be featured albeit in edited form in Andrew Chumbleys' Dragon Book of Essex.
To propose there is something ‘other’ to the witch might seem counter-intuitive, especially so since conjugating the witch into witching suggests particular agentive actions and decisions have already been made about the topic. One where the action of witching is then further hyphenated with the other must then result in increasing this level of obfuscation to new heights.