Profanation - Skull Crushing Violence LP
Profanation - 'Skull Crushing Violence' LP
140g Black vinyl edition with insert limited to 200 copies
Hailing from France's ever-thriving death metal scene, PROFANATION are a new band of old souls. With members of Deströyer 666, VENEFIXION, Sépulcre etc. the quartet create vile, ultraviolent DEATH METAL in a most ancient manner. Skull Crushing Violence, which is exactly what you get for 20 terrorising minutes. Like the unholy offspring of Hadez and Necrovore with more than a hint of the eldritch grind of Terrorizer and England's Doom, PROFANATION whip forth a fury like few others. Everything here on Skull Crushing Violence goes into the red - as it SHOULD, to honour the promise of its title - and the intensity suitably takes on an otherworldly aspect as it flits between abyss-ward blast and grave-shoveling D-beat. Meanwhile, utterly OTT solos shoot across the record like missiles flying across a war-torn landscape. Want 666% ARRRGGGHHH?!? PROFANATION give it to you with Skull Crushing Violence!