Unaussprechlichen Kulten – Häxan Sabaoth CD
Unaussprechlichen Kulten – 'Häxan Sabaoth' CD
Digipak CD edition limited to 500 copies
For nearly 25 years, this Chilean cult have built a commanding canon of eldritch death metal DARKNESS. UNAUSSPRECHLICHEN KULTEN have explored the furthest reaches of primordial dread and ancient mysticism, all through pure 'n' authentic Metal of Death. That their vision has only become more intense and mesmerising, after so many years (and when so many bands sputter to obsolescence), is some strange magick indeed...
'Häxan Sabaoth' sees UNAUSSPRECHLICHEN KULTEN fusing clanging angularity with haunting atmospherics, delirious chaos with eerie melodicism, epic narrative with primal crush - essentially, an extrapolation (and intensification) of seemingly polar opposites. And yet, through that same strange magick, the Chileans conjure a tableau that's undeniably their vastest and most violent to date. Riffs and rhythms pound and mutate with hypnotic ease, breaking down the listener's will; momentum becomes slip-streaming, with dread sounds bubbling up from every crevasse of this abyss; motifs then flicker with frightening clarity before disintegrating into something equally dread-inducing.
'Häxan Sabaoth' sees UNAUSSPRECHLICHEN KULTEN fusing clanging angularity with haunting atmospherics, delirious chaos with eerie melodicism, epic narrative with primal crush - essentially, an extrapolation (and intensification) of seemingly polar opposites. And yet, through that same strange magick, the Chileans conjure a tableau that's undeniably their vastest and most violent to date. Riffs and rhythms pound and mutate with hypnotic ease, breaking down the listener's will; momentum becomes slip-streaming, with dread sounds bubbling up from every crevasse of this abyss; motifs then flicker with frightening clarity before disintegrating into something equally dread-inducing.