Witchbones – The Seas Of Draugen LP
Witchbones – 'The Seas Of Draugen' LP
Black vinyl edition with insert limited to 200 copies
2019 brings WITCHBONES' densest and most penetrating recording yet, The Seas of Draugen. Like its aquatic, mythological namesake, here does Vardlokker drown the listener in wave after wave of shuddering, shivering horror that looks and sounds and feels very much like familiar bestial black/death, but is instead uniquely imbued with a wandering, amorphous atmosphere that creates a truly unsettling tension. Crushing but cast away, doomed to solitude and one's own internal destruction, the literally massive, ever-so-slowly-roiling maelstrom WITCHBONES conjures forth is echoed within the thematic arc of The Seas of Draugen itself: setting sail with "The Nun Collector," taking in a "Nebulous Ghost Ship" later on, and sending that listener to the torrid depths, that veritable Davy Jones' Locker of the soul & spirit, with the concluding trifecta of "The Ritual Continues (We Haunt Ourselves)," "At the Shores (Draugen's Revenge)," and "The Candle Burns Alone (Dead Sailors)."