Wuldorgast - Cold Light CD

Wuldorgast - Cold Light CD

  • $20.00

Wuldorgast - 'Cold Light' CD

Jewel case CD edition limited to 300 copies

Debut album of USBM - Vaguely eldritch Scandinavian in approach but not the usual suspects, the duo's black metal is one that's ass-kicking yet atmospheric, equally martial and rowdy as fuck. Superficial first-glances might suggest late '90s Darkthrone or early 2000s Carpathian Forest, but cast your gaze to the darkest not-so-distant past and one could liken WULDORGAST here such cults as Tangorodrim, Thesyre, Torka, and especially Germany's unsung Graupel: not the most worn-out references, thankfully, and finessed in such a manner that locates the essence rather than the result. Thus is everything stripped down to bare-bones, brass-knuckled rudiments and then built back up with a triumphant delirium fuelled by blood and alcohol - and an abundance of heraldic leads, adding a crucial distinction of character.

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