Zazen Sounds Occult Series Volume II Book
Zazen Sounds Occult Series Volume II Book
Zazen Sounds Esoteric Publication Occult Series II
(Philosophy/Traditionalism/Sacred Science)
A collective work of articles and essays from the last 10 issues of our esoteric publication, now compiled into a solid 140 page A5 soft cover tome. Art, religion, tradition, philosophy - the esoteric highlights of our free-thinking society now bound with completely new layout and artwork and the aesthetics of an old grimoire by Vision Black Designs. A collector's edition of strictly 150 copies and no further reissue, offered to the minimum price possible in accordance to the expenses of such a limited release. Delve deep into the world of forbidden Gnosis and explore a plethora of its aspects!
(Philosophy/Traditionalism/Sacred Science)
A collective work of articles and essays from the last 10 issues of our esoteric publication, now compiled into a solid 140 page A5 soft cover tome. Art, religion, tradition, philosophy - the esoteric highlights of our free-thinking society now bound with completely new layout and artwork and the aesthetics of an old grimoire by Vision Black Designs. A collector's edition of strictly 150 copies and no further reissue, offered to the minimum price possible in accordance to the expenses of such a limited release. Delve deep into the world of forbidden Gnosis and explore a plethora of its aspects!