Mistcavern – Into Twilight MLP
Mistcavern – 'Into Twilight' MLP
140g Black vinyl edition with insert limited to 300 copies
MISTCAVERN are a quartet hailing from Hungary, in 2022 they now strike with their most assured work yet. As it was in the beginning and as it is now, MISTCAVERN unabashedly pick up the torch left behind by the second-wave Nordic acts with their works of pure and otherworldly atmospheres in the first half of the 1990s. In many ways, the resultant Into Twilight is 26 minutes of veritable time-warp: one can verily be transported to dark medieval times, at the dawn of a dying sun, feeling an ærie descent. And for those still dealing with the loss & curse of reverence, whether there at the start of those long-flickering fires or later generations who hear the call down time immemorial, MISTCAVERN will surely satisfy all dark desires. But taken another way, Into Twilight reveals its own ancient imagination. Far from mere "retro" replication or insincere genre exercise before jettisoning for some other fickle fancy, this four-piece deeply understand the richly mystical vibrations beneath those hallowed tomes of yore, building on the duality of both concealed and boundless imagery, showcasing scenes buried in thick fog, far from the ordure of man and deep in nature's embrace while also glorifying of the infinite emptiness and the longing for the End of All.