Limited edition digi-sleeve CD edition
2024 album of sublime dark ambient with an ancient Greek theme blending the epic neo-classical with bombastic martial beats and neo folk. TETHRIPPON is the chariot of Apollon Hellenic God of light. Burning like the desire of a proud man for universal harmony and beauty, it rides eternally the skies. The ones who are not blinded by arrogance or the ultimate light can verify the gentle meaning of our hymns and their noble purpose. TETHRIPPON’s composing and poetry come to bring warmth to civilized and delicate hearts and a nostalgia for what is really missing from a romantic man’s internal seek for an ideal world. Inspired by the «Hellenic learning».
TETHRIPPON come with the ambition to conquer peacefully your senses. TETHRIPPON is totally dedicated to the holy memory of our glorious forefathers. Rest in peace in the eternal skies.